Hula Hoop Tricks: “Butterfly Hinge Variations” (Twin Hoops)

This is like 8 tutorials in 1! Jo Mondy shows you several variations to the Butterfly Hinge technique in this helpful twin hoops tutorial. This can be a great tool for hoopers just starting out on doubles. Make sure the hoops you’re practicing these variations with are similar, if not the same, in size. Following is a breakdown of the tutorials contents:

Punch and twist 0:07
Waist hinge 0:27
Z spin hinge 1:03
Helicopter hinge 1:53
Elbow hinge 2:17
Waist to elbow hinge 2:40
Escalator hinge 3:18
Chest roll hinge 4:09
Find your flow 4:46

Click here to explore more tutorials by Jo Mondy of Live Love Hoop!

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