Hula Hoop Tricks: “Pizza Toss Warp”

Warning! This is a seriously cool hula hoop trick.

This is no ordinary pizza toss!  This tutorial by Hoopsmiles a.k.a. Jon Coyne puts an advanced addition on an intermediate hoop trick!  Give it a try, his slow motion analysis really helps you visualize the necessary steps to complete this hoop wizardry.

Want to learn more from Hoopsmiles? Check out these other hula hoop trick tutorials by Jon Coyne:

Hula Hoop Trick: “Hooping Headstand”

Hula Hoop Trick: “Foot Hooping Somersault”

Or some really crazy stuff by Hoopsmiles…

Hula Hoop Roller Skating – Hoopsmiles is up for the challenge!

Hula Hoop Rap Song


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